
Dairy Farming

My intensive and thorough research on Dairy Farms
Introduction & History of DAIRY FARMING

       Dairy farming might seem like a easy and straightfoward thing but it is actually more complex than you think it is. Cow milk has already been consumed by people for thousands of years. After pasteurization was invented and widely used, modern dairy farming began in the early 1900s. Pasteurization creates a safer milk and increases the shelf life of dairy by eliminating spoilage-causing bacteria with heat. This procedure extends the shelf life of dairy and allows it to be shipped farther. Dairy farms have improved their efficiency throughout time, allowing them to lessen their environmental impact.

Hardware & Software

       With our current generation, our technology is sufficient enough to withhold the amount of milk served to the population. Dairy farming uses a wide range of technology spanning from software to hardware. Some examples of hardware being utilized are like mud pumps being used in farms to negate the mud from the floor and to remove the clunk that would be taking up more space. Another example of hardware being utilized is when tractors are being driven around the farm to transport things like cows or dairy products or milk itself. Some software being utilized are applications like Vaquitec where they track the efficency of your dairy production, or Milkingcloud where the application would help you organize all your bits and bobs.

Future Innovations

       I could create stuff like automatic cow caretakers so there is no need for any more manual caretaking of cows. It could serve as a very useful invention because there may be lots of cows who are being taken care of and if there is any problem like a disease spreading within a hoard, that would be a problem for the stability of the farm and for the animals that are in the farm. Even if this invention is impossible, I would at least like to automate most things like the feeders or the milkers. They would be useful as like how household pets and animals can be fed with automatic feeders at home, cows can too but at an industrial size. My innovation would also incorportate both hardware and software, helping dairy farmers fully milk cows as efficient as ever.